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Why You Need to Take Probiotics During Pregnancy

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Pregnant women have a constant worry of what’s safe or unsafe for their developing baby. Many women are unclear about the safety of taking probiotics during pregnancy. Guess what?! Studies prove that taking probiotics is incredibly beneficial for pregnant women. Here’s more good news for you:

Probiotics are Safe During Pregnancy

First and foremost, probiotics do not cause harm to developing babies. In fact, there are numerous benefits to incorporating probiotics into your pregnancy diet.

Probiotics and Gut Health

Probiotics are living microorganisms that are known for helping digestion strengthening the immune system. They improve gut health by adding healthy bacteria to the body’s microbiome, thus decreasing the amount of bad bacteria within the digestive tract.

“All disease begins in the gut.”


Nearly 2500 years ago Hippocrates said “All disease begins in the gut.” Modern science proves this to be true today. The gut is directly connected to the immune system, so it is important to maintain optimal gut health – especially during pregnancy. Mama’s gut health has a direct impact on the developing baby’s long-term health.

8 Benefits of Probiotics during Pregnancy

1. Better Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

Many women experience constipation during pregnancy. Probiotics help get things moving in a gentle and effective way. They break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats to be easily absorbed. They also convert fiber into fatty acids which line the intestines, creating a seal and blocking “bad” bacteria (from unhealthy food) from being absorbed – thus protecting you from illness.

2. Helps with Morning Sickness

Probiotics help with the sensitivity of the stomach by balancing out the “good” and the “bad” bacteria within the digestive system. This alleviates the nausea and fatigue associated with morning sickness.

3. Lower Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) refers to high blood sugar during pregnancy. GDM is extremely dangerous for the baby. There is a ton of research showing that probiotics significantly lower blood sugar levels in pregnant women, reducing the risk of gestational diabetes.

4. Lower Risk of Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia refers to high blood pressure during pregnancy, and it is the number one cause of maternal death in the United States. Research proves that probiotics significantly reduce the risk of preeclampsia. The findings are so clear that we should expect to see more OBGYNs promoting probiotics in the future.

5. Strengthen Baby’s Immune System

Vaginally-born babies have much healthier guts than babies born via C-section. This is because by passing through the vagina, the baby receives loads of healthy bacteria from the mother’s gut, which strengthens their immune system. Babies born via C-section do not have the same high levels of healthy bacteria from their mother’s gut. Instead, they actually have more bacteria typically acquired from hospitals, which are more likely to have antimicrobial resistance and can cause infections.

Fortunately, pregnant women who take probiotics will increase the amount of healthy bacteria within their gut, passing it to their baby. And even better news for women who gave birth via C-section: taking probiotics while breastfeeding strengthens the baby’s immune system, as this healthy bacteria is passed on through breastmilk.

6. Lower Risk of Baby Eczema and Food Allergies

Eczema in babies is linked to other health conditions, including asthma and food allergies. The World Allergy Organization (WHO) recommends pregnant and breastfeeding women to take probiotics if their baby has a high risk of developing allergies. Researchers at the Imperial College in London conducted a huge study, which found that women who took probiotics during the third trimester of pregnancy and immediately postpartum reduced eczema by a whopping 22%.

7. Reduced Risk of Postpartum Depression

There is a fascinating connection between gut health and mental health. Healthy bacteria in the gut produce molecules that can change your mood, reduce inflammation (a huge factoring cause of depression), and affect response to stress. In a recent New Zealand study, women who took probiotics once a day during pregnancy and for six months postpartum had significantly lower depression and anxiety scores than the women who took placebos for the same period of time.

8. Speed Up Postpartum Weight Loss

Taking probiotics during pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of obesity in women and their babies. Probiotics help release a special hormone called GLP-1 and increase the levels of a protein named ANGPTL4. Both are responsible for reducing your appetite and kicking your body into fat-burning mode.

#1 Top Recommendation

Use code: “naturalmamapod” for an exclusive 15% discount!

After a super deep dive into probiotic research, I am proud to recommend Seed, a company that is far superior to any others out there. I know it’s a bold statement to make, but I stand by it whole-heartedly and here’s why:

  1. Seed’s only focus is probiotics. All their time, research, and money go towards creating the highest quality probiotics for optimal health. On the other hand, most other companies that sell probiotics also sell protein supplements, beauty products, and other vitamins. So they most likely don’t invest the same amount of quality care into their probiotics.
  2. They rigorously test their products and go far beyond the basic FDA standards of the United States. They also meet the highly-regulated standards of Japan and the European Union.
  3. Seed is 100% transparent about their ethical sourcing, and they clearly label EXACTLY which strains of probiotics are in their products. (Each strain has it’s own job within the body, so it’s important to know exactly what you’re taking and why.)
  4. Seed’s Daily Synbiotic is the very first probiotic to include strains that increase folate production within the body. This is amazing for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant because folate is necessary to prevent certain birth defects in developing babies.
  5. They truly care about the planet, and show it through actions not just words. Their subscription-based model is not only convenient for timely refills, but it is eco-friendly with sustainable packaging.


Taking probiotics during pregnancy and postpartum is totally safe and provides numerous incredible benefits for you and your baby. Along with adequate exercise and a healthy diet, taking a probiotic is a wonderful supplement to incorporate throughout pregnancy and beyond.